WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Lisa Blunt Rochester and Chris Coons and Congresswoman Sarah McBride (all D-Del.) released the following statement in response to President Trump’s late-night directive unilaterally freezing federal funding appropriated by Congress:

“This blatantly unconstitutional directive will cause massive harm to Delawareans. Police and fire departments up and down the state will go unfunded. Military families stationed at Dover Air Force Base will lose access to critical programs, construction projects will go unfinished as workers are laid off, community health centers will be unable to provide critical primary care, opioid overdoses will rise as prevention programs end, and children of working families will go hungry when free lunch programs stop.

“These are not partisan programs. They are exactly what the vast majority of Americans want our government to be funding. With the stroke of a pen, President Trump defunded programs already signed into law and has made Delaware and every other state across the country less safe, less healthy, and less stable.

“We are hearing throughout the day from leaders and constituents across Delaware in state and local government, education, and the non-profit sectors concerned about this directive and are working to address their concerns. We have spoken with Attorney General Jennings about her prompt legal action against this unconstitutional directive and are grateful for her partnership. President Trump must immediately repeal this disastrous policy and return federal funding to working order. We will not stand by while our state suffers.”

Senator Coons is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
